Hilarion, The Nature Of Reality, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1979, 114 pp.


"This highly unusual book, telepathically "dictated" in 1977, deals with a broad spectrum of subjects. However it seems now (1990) to have acquired a heightened relevance in regard to the prophetic material in its last third. The Tribulation section purports to set out the nature and probable timing of a number of cataclysmic events intended to mark the end of the current phase of earth history, and the dawning of a New Age of brotherhood and cooperation. These occurrences did not manifest within the originally suggested time frame, but recent developments in the middle east involving Iraq suggest that at least some of them may materialize during the 1990's. Here is a partial checklist:


1. The "final devastating war", in which "eventually all of the major nations of the world will become involved" is clearly forecast. The text states that "the reason for the strife will be related to the oil deposits which lie under the sands of the Arab countries ringing the state of Israel."

2. While the war continues to rage in the middle east, a number of catastrophes afflict the earth, among them "the discovery that a large asteroid has deviated from its expected course and will collide with the earth at a location in the Pacific Ocean."

3. A plague of "locusts" ascends northward through Central America and into the U.S.A. Could this relate to the Killer Bees that are expected to enter Texas during 1990?

4. China suffers a nuclear attack and seeks revenge by sending its army westward to join the Middle East conflict.

5. Before the Chinese army arrives, the earth passes through a space "cloud" containing debris that falls as a hail of incandescent rocks, setting fires on a broad scale and reduing the oxygen available in the atmosphere.

... and much more ...


"This book tends to divide readers neatly into those who scoff and those who are fascinated. Regardless of how you view its contents, you will not want to miss the mind-stretching experience of reading The Nature of Reality."


Hilarion, Symbols, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1979, 97 pp.


"Have you ever tried repeatedly to do some particular thing, and been thwarted at every turn? Has it ever occurred to you that some of the old 'superstitions' just might have a basis in fact? Has your life ever seemed to be guided or manipulated in some way - to direct you to do something, or not to do something, or to point out some connection or meaning to you?

"Symbols, the third in the series of books being transmitted telepathically by the Master Hilarion throughToronto businessman Maurice B. Cooke, offers answers and explanations that will satisfy these queries and many others. Life on earth, contends Hilarion, is literally alive with signs, symbols, allegories and portents, if man's eyes were only opened enough to perceive them. Not a day passes that does not offer to each individual a wealth of symbolic messages having a direct bearing on the events of his own life.

"The meaning of the numbers that follow you around, the vowels and consonants of your name, even the shape of your eyebrows - all of this and more is laid out in precise, clear and reasonable terms. Written for the general reader and the occultist alike, Symbols is a compelling adventure in discovery and mind-expansion. Few other books now in print can match the wealth of detail that is compressed into its pages.

"If you are even mildly curious about the hidden facets to everyday events, you will not want to miss the fascinating experience of reading Hilarion's Symbols."



Hilarion, THRESHOLD, on the meaning of the New Age, love, karma, extra-terrestrials, death, rebirth & the Apocalypse, Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1980, 58 pp.


"The book you are holding is among the most unusual you will ever read. While it is directed to readers of all ages, it takes the form of a letter to a thirteen-year-old girl, written by a spiritual being named Hilarion. The text was channeled through Mr. M.B. Cooke, using a telepathic process which he developed in 1977 and by means of which some 17 books in The Hilarion Series have now been transmitted. Some of the major titles are listed below.

"In these pages you will discover the views of higher spiritual entities regarding earth events and earth life. You will read the advice offered by such beings to a young girl whose femininity and love experience are just beginning to flower. Reminders on how to treat others, discussions on many points of occult and spiritual interest, a treatise on the true significance of the Apocalypse - all of this and more is presented in straightworward terms which anyone can grasp.

"The publishers believe that this little book can shed needed light on many of the topics which concern mankind today, and that the explanations offered here will prove to be not only reasonable and persuasive, but also in harmony with the moral and spiritual truths that humanity's greatest teachers have always maintained."




The Nature of Reality - science, occultism, religion and the apocalypse.

Seasons of the Spirit - describes the Flood, Tihuanaco, Atlantis, early Greece.

Symbols - the deeper meanings of life's events.

Astrology Plus - the planets in the signs & houses, seen esoterically.

Other Kingdoms - examianes other beings and life-forms, both seen and unseen, that share the earth with mankind.

Tapestry - star meditations, the Book of the Earth, human development.

Childlight - parenting for the New Age.

Body Signs - esoteric palmistry, and the symbolic meanings of many body parts, organs and systems."



Hilarion, Seasons of the Spirit, Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1980, 103 pp.


"It was once fashionable to think that the human race has been civilized for no more than a few thousand years. Then repeated discoveries seemed to prove that humanity had existed as we know it well back beyond the misty curtain where written records cease. What is the real truth of the matter?

"Seasons of the Spirit, the second in the series of books being transmitted telepathically by the Master Hilarion through Toronto psychic Maurice B. Cooke, contains a fascinating account of man's early phases on the earth. Descriptions of the Flood, the Atlantean experience, Tiahuanaco, and the early Greek era are interspersed with lessons relating to karma, rebirth, astrology, and body symbolism. The text ends with a direct message to the reader which is considered by many to be one of the most evocative and powerful pieces of prose ever written.

"This book is an exercise in expanding the mind. Though one of its purposes is to encourage those already seeking spiritual truth, it nonetheless manages to treat all of its various topics in a clear and reasonable manner that is readily accessible to a wide spectrum of the reading public.

"This book is a 'must' for all those who are curious about the hidden side of earth life, the unsolved myserties of antiquity, and the real origins of the human race."


Hilarion, Nations, Marcus Books,Toronto, 1980, 33 pp.


"This booklet contains one of the most intriguing and unusual psychic transmissions ever received. It is a collection of commentaries on twenty-five prominent nations of the world, from a source which identifies itself as Hilarion. Through Toronto psychic Maurice B. Cooke, Hilarion has now (1984) dictated fourteen major books, as well as some shorter writings.

"Hilarion indicates that the various nations of the world are slated to undergo certain trials and difficulties during what he calls the Tribulation, a seven-year period of upheaval and war which will usher in the New Age within a few years. In this booklet these tests and the spiritual lessons each country is learning are clearly explained.

"For this expanded third edition Hilarion has dictated a fascinating discussion of the world's cities, and explains the tests to apply in order to discern the general level of spiritual awareness and evolvement of any given metropolis. By these tests, many of the 'great' cities of the world do not fare well ...

"Also included for the first time is a lengthy prologue which covers the importance of understanding rebirth and karma, the removal of reincarnational references from the Christian Scriptures, man's development of compassion, the reasons for the Tribulation, the recent brightening of future prospects due to the efforts of spiritual seekers, Nostradamus, and much more.

"This booklet is an indispensable reference work for anyone wishing to understand the hidden currents of history, and the meaning of the present phase of destruction and chaos through which the earth is passing."


Hilarion, Other Kingdoms, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1981, 238 pp.


"If there is a single common thread that weaves through all times and all cultures, back to the very dawning of the race, it is the persistent belief in a realm that is not human, yet not animal ... a kind of half-glimpsed world peopled by fairies and goblins, leprechauns and gremlins, and a host of other improbable creatures. Of course, our modern life-style has no room for such wraiths. Yet is there any one of us who does not wish, somewhere in his secret heart, that the old tales could be true, after all?

"The message of this book is that these other realms, the strange creatures of legend and fable, do in fact have a place upon this earth. In its pages you will discover not only their shapes and their perceptions of existence, but the very reasons for which they are here. Hilarion, through the mediumshjip of M.B. Cooke, rolls back the veils that separate us from what must be the strangest of our "brothers": those who live at the earth's higher levels, and whose shapes many, many humans will soon begin to perceive directly, as the quickening of the earth's vibrations raises the consciousness and perceptions of all of her children."


Hilarion, Dark Robes Dark Brothers, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1981, 44 pp.


"Many seekers are unaware of the traps which the darker forces lay for the unwary. The temptations of the Dark Brothers, as they are called, can be very subtle - so subtle that even those on the Path can be led astray, or weakened in their resolve.

"This book is an expose of the origins, purpose and techniques of the Dark Brotherhood, and as such constitutes an excellent handbook for the seeker. Written telepathically by the source Hilarion through Toronto psychic Maurice B. Cooke, it lays out in plain language the means by which the forces of darkness attempt to draw human souls into the downward spiral. Though short, it is crammed with detailed information and clear explanations regarding the powers that oppose man's spiritual progress.

"The seeker will view life with different eyes after he has read the last page of this little book."


Hilarion, Wildflowers, Their Occult Gifts, Fully illustrated, with botanical descriptions and Spiritual Commentaries on 25 of North America's Wayside Flowering Plants, Marcus Books, Toronto,1982, 51 pp.


"Cast like tiny pearls of color upon the tapestry of the world, the delicate wildflowers wave and nod their heads. The country air sweetens with their scent; the wayside monotony brightens with their beauty. In silence they offer their gifts.

This book is about a special set of gifts which the natural flowering plants hold - gifts for the spirit of man. Herbalists know that many wild species can be used to heal the physical body, and some teachings have geen given regarding the homeopathic use of flowers for the relief of mental and emotional conditions. But few yet suspect the wonderful capabilities which many wildflowers have of uplifting the soul itself, and speeding the seeker along his chosen path.

"Hilarion here offers dissertatioins on twenty-five of the little plants, explaining their spiritual uses and, as always, weaving his gentle wisdom into the commentaries. WILDFLOWERS will prove a welcome and fascinating addition to the libraries of homeopaths, herbalists, naturalists and occultists alike."


Hilarion, Body Signs, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1982, 145 pp.


"Body Signs is Hilarion"s comprehensive teaching on the spiritual significance of the human body ... the feet, legs, internal organs, head -- plus a complete course in esoteric palmistry.

"Through the telepathic channel M.B. Cooke, Hilarion gives us a major work in the series that began with The Nature of Reality. If you have ever wondered what that funny mark on your chin means, or the old scar on your middle finer, or the recurrent trouble with your kidneys (stomach, pancreas, whatever), then this is the book for you.

"In his clear and persuasive style, Hilarion shows that the temple we inhabit is literally brimming over with esoteric significance and hidden meaning - all there to be read by 'those who have eyes to see'.

"It has often been said that the task of man on earth is to 'know himself'.

The Publishers hope that this book will make that task a little easier for us all."



Hilarion, VISION, Beyond the Apocalypse: A New Age Model, Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1983, 105 pp.


"Soon the human family will have to plan the practical details for reconstructing civilization after the present system has proven itself no longer workable. VISION offers concrete proposals for the new forms of society. In this book, Hilarion seeks to ensure that we will not, out of habit or reaction, simply slide back into the same structures that have already led us astray.

"Through Maurice Cooke, Hilarion offers the possibility of a society unburdened by the effort now wasted in keeping track of money, a civilization where all are freed to contribute directly and productively to the general good, a world in which humanity delights in its role as the wise stewart of God's garden.

"VISION is compulsory reading for all who would have a hand in mankind's noblest adventure: the erection of a new order on the twin pillars of love and light."


Hilarion, ANSWERS from the pages of Lightline, Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1983, 110 pp.


"In 1980, a curious little newsletter was started called Lightline. In it, questions sent in by subscribers were answered by the disembodied source, Hilarion, writing through Maurice B. Cooke.

"The material must have struck a responsive chord for many people, because by mid-1982 when publication was suspended, the subscription list had grown to over 700 people. At that time dozens of inquiries were coming in every week. Initially, back-issues were made available. But these gradually became exhausted one by one, and by June of 183 this service could no longer be provided.

"Because of the popularity of the newsletter, Marcus Books has undertaken to make the material available in paperback format. This book is the first of two, and contains Lightlines 8/9, 10/11, 12, 16, 17 and 18. The second book is scheduled for production in 1984."


[Here is one interesting question and answer that I have always remembered.]

"Many letters come in suggesting that the writer wishes to "compare" the Hilarion channel with other channels. Could Hilarion comment on this question of comparison?"


"Each soul must decide for himself whether a given source of information is "right" for him or not. This includes channels, but also teachers on the earth plane, books, Gurus, friends, scriptures, and so on. Endless comparisons of channels of this kind will only lead the investigator in circles, because there is a law that no two channels can precisely duplicate each other. This would be a wastage of channel energy, and is not allowed. In actuality, this law tends to work out by having channels "complement" each other. Even when there is an apparent contradiction, you will almost always find that a later synthesis of the "contradictory" material will produce a higher vision of the truth - one nearer to those available on the higher planes of being. However, most of the time, two channels asked the same question will each give different "facets" of the truth. Both are correct when seen from the higher level, but it is up to the seeker to make the correct synthesis for himself. There is also a law that no channel - at least those which stem from within the earth Hierarchy - can make negative statements about another. This law usually results in an extreme reluctance to comment in any way about the veracity of another channel.

"The final point of this: the only ultimate channel for any human being is the voice of God within his heart centre. All other channels or sources have but one ultimate aim, which is to quicken that small voice of truth in each person, and to open up what is for him the best source of truth that he could possibly find."



Hilarion, Tapestry, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1985, 99 pp.


"The wonder of the created cosmos is that it is indeed a tapestry - a carefully planned pattern of dark threads and light - and not merely a random collection of billiard balls following chaotic pathways through a mindless ocean of space, as 20th century science would have us believe. The source Hilarion, writing this book through the pen of Maurice B. Cooke, takes you on a fantastic voyage: backward through time to glimpse secrets that lie buried under the dust of ages, upward into a cosmic awareness that dwarfs the petty concerns of everyday, and inward to the seat of divinity that waits patiently within each of us for the inevitable day of discovery. With his quiet humour, and the same gentle wisdom that runs like a golden thread through all of his writings, Hilarion shows us the earth from his own perspective - shows that it is a precious experiment soon to give forth its richest fruits: a civilization that can manifest the love of God at the level of man."



Hilarion, More Answers, Marcus Books, Toronto, 1985, 146 pp.


"In 1980, a curious little newsletter was started, called Lightline. In it, questions sent in by subscribers were answered by the disembodied source, Hilarion, writing through Maurice B. Cooke.

"The newsletter continued for just over two years, at which time it was suspended due to the press of other projects. By mid 1982 the subscription list had grown to over 700, and new inquiries were arriving every day.

"Initially, back issues were made available to the hundreds of people who wanted to read these commentaries by Hilarion. However, these gradually became exhausted, and rather than reprint them in the expensive format of a newsletter, it was decided to incorporate them into two paperback books. The first of the books was printed in 1983, under the title Answers. This is the second book, and includes the remainder of the answers originally appearing in the newsletter."


[Here is an interesting question and answer from this book.]


"Please elaborate more on the inhabitants of the Center Core of the Earth."


"We would rather say only a little about the core and the core experience for humanity, for reasons which we are not allowed at this time to give.

"There is indeed a hollow core in the centre of the earth. It is inhabited by many thousands of people. It does contain animals, many of which are in species that are extinct on the earth. It is true that many human beings will be taken to the core of the earth during the time of rescue from the chaos that is descending on the earth. However, what we have written in The Nature of Reality on this subject is necessarily simplified and condensed and we were not able at that time to sketch the full dimensions of the rescue operation which is to be launched by those who have come from other parts of this galaxy to obseve the death throes of human civilization as it now exists on the earth. As to the specific nature of the natural inhabitants of the centre core of the earth, this may be thought of as follows: these souls are human souls but the physical bodies which they inhabit are somewhat different genetically from those of man on the surface. They are taller because of the graviational difference. The configurations of certain parts of the body will be found to be different by those who spend an appreciable time in the centre core. However, in terms of their civilization, they are at approximately the same level of technical development. They have evolved superior social forms not having anything to do with the forms which man on the surface has devised. We would suggest simple patience and a readiness to accept strangeness in those who are to be taken to the centre core. It will be an experience which is appropriate primarily for those whose minds have been stretched and broadened by the nature of their interests on the surface. You will understand that there are many souls on the surface of the earth who are very good souls in terms of their basic moral outlook on life and their desire to help others, but who are also in many cases very narrow and restricted as to the horizon of possibilities which they can contemplate. We are thinking of the small towns of the United States and Canada; for example, the good farmer who is kind to all but has not really thought much about the magnificent possibilities which could open before the race. Such individuals would find a terrific shock if they were to be presented with the strangeness of life in the core, or of life on the huge mother ships which circle the earth at the present time. And therefore another arrangement has been made. However, this is not an appropriate subject to be discussed through this channel at the present time."



Master Hilarion, The Golden Quest, Channeled by Hilda with a prologue by M.B.Cooke. Marcus Books, Agincourt, Ontario, 1986, 77 pp.



"The Destiny of Humankind is in the balance. The deciding factor rests upon those souls who are willing to sacrifice their own desires for the good of humanity. This book is dedicated to all those brave, selfless people striving to pull the world out of the chaos into which human beings have plunged it through their greed and pride.

"It cannot be impressed enough upon the reader the need for the unity of the human race. The world has come to this precarious position, where the annihilation of the human race is threatened through human selfishness. Even nature's abundance, which was created for our welfare, has itself become a detriment -- the air, the earth, the water -- all are contaminated. The wise ones of old warned us of this possibility and yet humanity danced on to the tune of selfishness. Unless there is a complete turnabout in lifestyle and in spiritual awareness, there is no hope of survival.

"Nature is rebelling. We stand at the point in evolution where we can go forward into a New Age of understanding of unity of life and build the longed for Golden Age of humankind, where peace and love reign, or we can go into oblivion, a dark planet left in space. The decision is in the hands of those willing to change their ways and live for others, yet unborn, who await the chance to come forth and help build a New World based on brotherhood and sisterhood. There must be a complete revolution, not based on human concepts, but on God's laws of equity, on the foundation of love.

"May you be inspired to live each minute so intensely, so true to the highest within you, that you will stop not until you establish the Kingdom of Universal Righteousness on the Earth. Live this message minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, until God becomes the most important thing in life. Desire God before all things.

"It is in the cosmic plan that all God's children are received back into the Kingdom of Heaven from which they descended. The following teaching is the Key to the Door of Heaven. Use, open wide the portals, and enter unafraid."

--Brother Hilarion



Hilarion through M.B. Cooke, Faces, Reading the Divine Analogy, Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1988, 77 pp.


"The drawing at right shows the time and location scales used when interpreting a mark on the chin, the area relating to physical trauma and accidents. Other facial regions pertain to mental and emotional events, the development of the ego, travel experiences, and much more. All are discussed in detail, with examples.

"If you are intrigued by the prospect of new knowledge, and are not threatened by the possibility of self-discovery, then Faces should be the next book on your reading list.

"Dictating through M.B. Cooke, Hilarion explains that the human face can show major traits to be developed or corrected during an incarnation, that it pinpoints (sometimes to the very year) the timing of many major life events, and that its features constitute a beautiful allegory for the process by which the soul projects each new personality into the earth realm.

"Like Astrology Plus and Body Signs, Faces is a teaching text. A large type was selected in order to make this book easily legible. At the back it includes several pages arranged to allow the reader to begin keeping his own notes on this subject.

"The publishers wish to express their deep appreciation to the artist Hilkka, for the stunning cover of this book."




Hilarion, THE MASTER PLAN, Past, Present and Future of the Human Experiment on Planet Earth, Including a Guided Tour of the Underworld,Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1992, 155 pp.


"Hilarion, a discarnate entity writing through author M.B. Cooke, offers a vast panoramic view of our race: its distant beginnings, its progress to the present, the coming struggle against forces that we ourselves have unleashed, and the golden future that awaits all who can learn to live in harmony with others and with the natural realm.

"This book also provides a glimpse of the "underworld", the darkest of the astral planes where human souls sojourn between lives. In story format, Hilarion follows the posthumous adventures of Stoker, a murderer who is put to death in the electric chair, as he descends into the lower regions. Stoker represents the many thugs and criminals among us, individuals who cannot expect to enjoy the higher and more luminous planes after death because their elementary vibration drags them down inevitably to the darker abodes. This automatic process is not a punishment, simply the consequence of a lifetime of actions which coarsen the soul.

"Throughout the entire text, however, the author holds out hope both at the individual level and at the level of the human race. On the one hand he shows how Stoker starts to work his way free of the lower planes; on the other, he stresses again and again that the "Tribulation" through which the earth is passing does not have to mean the wholesale destruction of our civilization. Hilarion points to mankind's free will, and the possibility of using that gift to alter the downward spiral that appears to have trapped us. Within the dark picture of desolation which this source so forcefully describes, one can find the glowing compassion, of light and laughter. If we can fan those embers into full flame, the promised Age of Miracles will dawn."



Shepherd Hoodwin, The Journey Of Your Soul, A Channel Explores Channeling And The Michael Teachings, Summerjoy Press, New York, 1995, 418 pp.

"Shepherd Hoodwin has given us one of the best books to date about the phenomenon of channeling. In particular, he has given us a meticulous presentation of the information chenneled from the source known as Michael, which is especially interesting. As with the Edgar Cayce and Seth material before it, a whole subculture has grown up around Michael and their teaching in the last 13 years, represented by at least a dozen books on the subject. The Journey of Your Soul may well be the best book of all due to its clarity, thoroughness, and detail, and thanks to the fact that the author, an exceptionally clearheaded Michael channel himself, brings real integrity and authenticity to our understanding of Michael in particular and to the channeling process in general."

--from the Foreword by Jon Klimo, author of Channeling: Investigatins on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources.



Laura Horst, OAHSPE, Condensed Version, Revised Edition of Condensed Version of Oahspe, Palmer Publ., Amherst, Wisconsin, 1987, 271 pp.


"About 9,000 years ago Highly Evolved Immortal Spirit Beings channeled through Zarathustra many basic spiritual teachings. He gave them to mankind on the earth.

"During the many past ages of time throughout the earth world numerous Highly Evolved Cosmic Beings have used earth mortals as their contact channels. They have brought spiritual and scientific messages to help the evolvement of all mankind on the earth.

"A hundred years ago a 900-page book titled "OAHSPE" was psychically written by several Spirit Authors. They used a mortal person as their channel. That marvelous book explains many scientific facts about our universal cosmos that now are being discovered by researchers.

"Two books by the author LAURA HORST: A CONDENSED VERSION OF OAHSPE AND OAHSPE'S AMAZING PREDICTIONS briefly quote Oahspe's basic teachings, telling about the advancement of the human race on earth, dating back to about 73,000 years ago."



Betty Hudson, Unconditional Love, A Course in Multidimensional Transformation, Channeled Lessons from the Ascended Masters, Patterson Press International, Los Angeles, 1995, 133 pp.


"The following message was channeled from SANANDA through BETTY HUDSON...


"Dear Ones, this is SANANDA. This is the last half of the pivotal year. Inside the covers of this book, the Hierarchy and I make available the very vital procedures for your spiritual evolution. This book has been dictated so that it can be published and placed into the hands of the multitude who urgently need this information.

"Spiritual evolution is an inward adventure. Love yourself unconditionally and find your Soul. Love holds rich rewards for each of you. The end of the journey is just the beginning of your exciting new existence. You will be more vitally alive, joyously happy, more alert and responsive to your inner directions and prompting. Each soul has their own timetable. The choice is yours and yours alone. You cannot make this very personal choice for another.

"This course of study is open to everyone for the cost of your own commitment to participate in the grandest universal spiritual campaign ever attempted and offered to the inhabitants of any planet. This offer comes with the blessings and promised assistance of myself, Sananda, all of the Ascended Masters both here on earth and throughout the universe and other galaxies.

Archangel Michael and his multitude of Angels are on full alert, at your side awaiting your call. This is the "Big One" - stand by for the happy ending. Everyone comes out feeling renewed, relaxed and refreshed. ONENESS with GOD is your reward and you are prepared to live and go forward in the 21st Century."